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The Purple Pill Episode 2 - Granite State Sexism


Recorded on International Women's Day, and how women's hyper independence effects this "purple" state

Women in this half red, half blue state in New Hampshire are hyper independent, hyper single, they don't trust men, they are scared of men, they are as hard as a our bedrock for vulernability. It doesn't matter if you're a hippie from Portsmouth, or if you're in Deep Red Merrimack, most of the women are boss-biaches - and our Media complex doesn't help matters when it comes to straight up sexism, putting women at the top for the sake of being female. Most conservative women like Kelly Ayotte is only riding on the feminism wave to get power (former NH AG, and GOP Governor candidate) who didn't even submit to her husband, Jay, who still retains her original surname. Welcome to New Hampshire where Women for the sake of being Women Rule! It's like going to a female store and getting the creepy feels, and it's a state!

Filetype: M4A - Size: 30 MB - Duration: 33:55m (119 kbps 48000 Hz)

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